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Author: Privacy Ninja

Microsoft Warns Of Ongoing Attacks Using Windows Zerologon Flaw
Microsoft Warns Of Ongoing Attacks Using Windows Zerologon Flaw
Microsoft Warns Of Ongoing Attacks Using Windows Zerologon Flaw
Microsoft Warns Of Ongoing Attacks Using Windows Zerologon Flaw

Microsoft Warns Of Ongoing Attacks Using Windows Zerologon Flaw

Microsoft Warns Of Ongoing Attacks Using Windows Zerologon Flaw Microsoft today warned that threat actors are continuing to actively exploit systems unpatched against the ZeroLogon privilege escalation vulnerability in the Netlogon Remote Protocol (MS-NRPC). “Microsoft has received a small number of reports from customers and others about continued activity exploiting a vulnerability affecting the Netlogon protocol

US Shares Info On Russian Malware Used To Target Parliaments, Embassies

US Shares Info On Russian Malware Used To Target Parliaments, Embassies US Cyber Command today shared information on malware implants used by Russian hacking groups in attacks targeting multiple ministries of foreign affairs, national parliaments, and embassies. The malware samples were identified by US Cyber Command’s Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF) unit and the Cybersecurity

Microsoft Releases KB4580364 Update To Fix Windows 10 Freezes

Microsoft Releases KB4580364 Update To Fix Windows 10 Freezes Microsoft has released the KB4580364 non-security update that fixes bugs causing responsiveness issues on affected Windows 10 2004 devices. Windows 10 users who install the KB4580364 release preview update might experience issues with input, might not be able to enter text, or receive unexpected results if using the

Georgia County Voter Information Leaked By Ransomware Gang

Georgia County Voter Information Leaked By Ransomware Gang The DoppelPaymer ransomware gang has released unencrypted data stolen from Hall County, Georgia, during a cyberattack earlier this month. On October 7th, Hall County in Georgia announced that they had suffered a ransomware attack that impacted their networks and phone systems. At the time, Hall County stated

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