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Author: Privacy Ninja

Open Shell Brings Back The Glory Days Of The Windows Start Menu
Open Shell Brings Back The Glory Days Of The Windows Start Menu
Open Shell Brings Back The Glory Days Of The Windows Start Menu
Open Shell Brings Back The Glory Days Of The Windows Start Menu

Open Shell Brings Back The Glory Days Of The Windows Start Menu

Open Shell Brings Back The Glory Days Of The Windows Start Menu Open Shell, originally known as Classic Shell, is open-source software that allows you to replace the standard Start Menu on Windows 10 and Windows 8. Open Shell originally came out as Classic Shell in 2009 and it has been around for a while.

Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies

Hacker Is Selling 34 Million User Records Stolen From 17 Companies A threat actor is selling account databases containing an aggregate total of 34 million user records that they claim were stolen from seventeen companies during data breaches. On October 28th, a data breach broker created a new topic on a hacker forum to sell

Emotet Malware Wants To Invite You To A Halloween Party

Emotet Malware Wants To Invite You To A Halloween Party To take advantage of the trick-or-treating festivities, the Emotet malware gang is sending out spam emails that invite you to a Halloween party. Emotet is a malware infection that spreads through emails containing Word documents containing malicious macros. Once these documents are opened, they will

FBI: How Iranian Hackers Stole Voter Info From State Election Sites

FBI: How Iranian Hackers Stole Voter Info From State Election Sites DHS CISA and the FBI today shared more info on how an Iranian state-sponsored hacking group was able to harvest voter registration info from U.S. state websites, including election sites. The harvested data was later used fake Proud Boys voter intimidation emails that targeted Democratic

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