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Author: Privacy Ninja

Ubuntu’s Gnome Desktop Could Be Tricked Into Giving Root Access
Ubuntu’s Gnome Desktop Could Be Tricked Into Giving Root Access
Ubuntu’s Gnome Desktop Could Be Tricked Into Giving Root Access
Ubuntu’s Gnome Desktop Could Be Tricked Into Giving Root Access

Ubuntu’s Gnome Desktop Could Be Tricked Into Giving Root Access

Ubuntu’s Gnome Desktop Could Be Tricked Into Giving Root Access A vulnerability in GNOME Display Manager (gdm) could allow a standard user to create accounts with increased privileges, giving a local attacker a path to run code with administrator permissions (root). Although certain conditions are necessary, the bug is easy to exploit. The process involves

The 5 Benefits Of Outsourcing Data Protection Officer Service

The 5 Benefits Of Outsourcing Data Protection Officer Service Through various articles here in Privacy Ninja, we have always delivered the message that under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA), all organisations in Singapore are required to establish and carry out regulations and practices crucial to satisfy its duties under the PDPA. An important

Scammers Impersonating The IRS Threaten Victims With Legal Action

Scammers Impersonating The IRS Threaten Victims With Legal Action Aggressive scammers are impersonating the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in e-mails designed to trick potential victims into paying fabricated outstanding amounts related to missed or late payments. The phishing emails target users of Microsoft’s Office 365 platform and have so far reached an estimated number of

Hackers Stealing And Selling VoIP Access

Hackers Stealing And Selling VoIP Access Attackers Exploit a Vulnerability in Asterisk VoIP PBX Servers Check Point Research has uncovered a large and likely profitable business model that involves hackers attacking and gaining control of certain VoIP services, which enables them to make phone calls through a company’s compromised system. During the first half of this

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