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Author: Privacy Ninja

Akamai DNS global outage takes down major websites, online services
Akamai DNS global outage takes down major websites, online services
Akamai DNS global outage takes down major websites, online services
Akamai DNS global outage takes down major websites, online services

Akamai DNS global outage takes down major websites, online services

Akamai DNS global outage takes down major websites, online services Akamai is investigating an ongoing outage affecting many major websites and online services, including Steam, the PlayStation Network, Newegg, AWS, Amazon, Google, and Salesforce. While the company has already acknowledged the issue, pinning it on an Edge DNS service problem, Akamai is still trying to

Ransomware gang breached CNA’s network via fake browser update

Ransomware gang breached CNA’s network via fake browser update Leading US insurance company CNA Financial has provided a glimpse into how Phoenix CryptoLocker operators breached its network, stole data, and deployed ransomware payloads in a ransomware attack that hit its network in March 2021. Two months ago, on May 13, CNA said it began operating

MITRE updates list of top 25 most dangerous software bugs

MITRE updates list of top 25 most dangerous software bugs MITRE has shared this year’s top 25 list of most common and dangerous weaknesses plaguing software throughout the previous two years. Software weaknesses are flaws, bugs, vulnerabilities, and various other types of errors impacting a software solution’s code, architecture, implementation, or design, potentially exposing systems

5 Types of Ransomware, Distinguished

5 Types of Ransomware, Distinguished Knowing the enemy is winning half the battle. In the digital era where almost everyone exchanges information online, a compromised cybersecurity can be a huge threat. Cybercriminals are getting more and more creative in making sophisticated malwares. Disguised as a legitimate file, software, or program, malwares are now easier to

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