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Author: Privacy Ninja

Ethereum Urges Go Devs to Fix Severe Chain-split Vulnerability
Ethereum Urges Go Devs to Fix Severe Chain-split Vulnerability
Ethereum Urges Go Devs to Fix Severe Chain-split Vulnerability
Ethereum Urges Go Devs to Fix Severe Chain-split Vulnerability

Ethereum Urges Go Devs to Fix Severe Chain-split Vulnerability

Ethereum Urges Go Devs to Fix Severe Chain-split Vulnerability Ethreum project is urging developers to apply a hotfix to squash a high-severity vulnerability. The chain-split vulnerability tracked as CVE-2021-39137, impacts “Geth,” the official Golang implementation of the Ethereum protocol. Such flaws can cause corruption in blockchain services, and lead to massive outages, like the Ethereum network outage from last year. Attack vector details withheld for

FIN8 Cybercrime Gang Backdoors US Orgs With New Sardonic Malware

FIN8 Cybercrime Gang Backdoors US Orgs With New Sardonic Malware A financially motivated cybercrime gang has breached and backdoored the network of a US financial organization with a new malware known dubbed Sardonic by Bitdefender researchers who first spotted it. FIN8, the threat actor behind this incident, has been active since at least January 2016 and is

5 Workplace Tips: Protecting Information on Mobile Devices

5 Workplace Tips: Protecting Information on Mobile Devices The use of mobile phones in almost everything we do has undeniably improved our standard of living, and to a large degree, including our work as well. With these handy device’s increasing functionality such as sending e-mails, managing appointments, and instantaneous file sharing, many organizations are able

The Role of A DPO During Work From Home

The Role of A DPO During Work From Home No one predicted that the Covid-19 pandemic would last this long and yet here we are. Welcome to 2021: where most of every nation’s workforce work from home. And while this set-up offers a wide array of benefits– flexible schedules, less commute stress, to name a

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