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Author: Privacy Ninja

Six Million Sky Routers Exposed to Takeover Attacks for 17 Months
Six Million Sky Routers Exposed to Takeover Attacks for 17 Months
Six Million Sky Routers Exposed to Takeover Attacks for 17 Months
Six Million Sky Routers Exposed to Takeover Attacks for 17 Months

Six Million Sky Routers Exposed to Takeover Attacks for 17 Months

Six Million Sky Routers Exposed to Takeover Attacks for 17 Months Around six million Sky Broadband customer routers in the UK were affected by a critical vulnerability that took over 17 months to roll out a fix to customers. The disclosed vulnerability is a DNS rebinding flaw that threat actors could easily exploit if the user had not

US Regulators Order Banks to Report Cyberattacks Within 36 Hours

US Regulators Order Banks to Report Cyberattacks Within 36 Hours US federal bank regulatory agencies have approved a new rule ordering banks to notify their primary federal regulators of significant computer-security incidents within 36 hours. Banks are only required to report major cyberattacks if they have or will likely impact their operations, the ability to

Microsoft: Windows Installer Breaks Apps After Updates, Repairs

Microsoft: Windows Installer Breaks Apps After Updates, Repairs Microsoft has confirmed a new known issue impacting client and server Windows versions that breaks apps after updating or repairing them using the Windows Installer (previously known as Microsoft Installer). This issue affects systems where Windows users have installed cumulative updates released during this month’s Patch Tuesday.

Android Malware BrazKing Returns as a Stealthier Banking Trojan

Android Malware BrazKing Returns as a Stealthier Banking Trojan ​The BrazKing Android banking trojan has returned with dynamic banking overlays and a new implementation trick that enables it to operate without requesting risky permissions. A new malware sample was analyzed by IBM Trusteer researchers who found it outside the Play Store, on sites where people

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