Free guide for appointing a Data Protection Officer: 8 tips
This free guide for appointing a Data Protection Officer aims to ease your burden of searching for the best partner to take on your organisation’s DPO responsibilities
This free guide for appointing a Data Protection Officer aims to ease your burden of searching for the best partner to take on your organisation’s DPO responsibilities
Knowing PDPA policy and its strategies to boost data protection in the workplace Since the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) went into full effect on July 2, 2014, organisations in Singapore have been reviewing their data protection policies and practises to make sure they are in line with the new law. These organisations ensure that
Here are effective client data protection tips for your organisation. These are proactive efforts to maintain your customers’ robust security posture.
All you need to know about Singapore’s PDPA Act 2019 Singapore adopted its Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA Act 2019) way back in 2012 before the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) made its appearance on the legal stage. It came into full force on 2 July 2014 and governs the collection, use, disclosure, and care of personal data.