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Author: Privacy Ninja

Hackers Start Pushing Malware in Worldwide Log4Shell Attacks
Hackers Start Pushing Malware in Worldwide Log4Shell Attacks
Hackers Start Pushing Malware in Worldwide Log4Shell Attacks
Hackers Start Pushing Malware in Worldwide Log4Shell Attacks

Hackers Start Pushing Malware in Worldwide Log4Shell Attacks

Hackers Start Pushing Malware in Worldwide Log4Shell Attacks Threat actors and researchers are scanning for and exploiting the Log4j Log4Shell vulnerability to deploy malware or find vulnerable servers. In this article we have compiled the known payloads, scans, and attacks using the Log4j vulnerability. Early Friday morning, an exploit was publicly released for a critical

FTC: Americans Lost $148 Million to Gift Card Scams this Year

FTC: Americans Lost $148 Million to Gift Card Scams this Year The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said Americans reported losing $148 million to gift card scams during the first nine months of 2021, following a significant increase compared to last year. Almost 40,000 consumers reported falling victim to scams where gift cards were the

PDPA Compliance for the Telecommunication Sector

Organizations that collect, use, and disclose personal data of individuals are required to comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act. Otherwise, they will be made to pay a hefty fine. This is why the telecommunication sector is encouraged to read the Guidelines and other advisories from the PDPC for them to be

Microsoft: These are the Building Blocks of QBot Malware Attacks

Microsoft: These are the Building Blocks of QBot Malware Attacks As QBot campaigns increase in size and frequency, researchers are looking into ways to break the trojan’s distribution chain and tackle the threat. Over the past few years, Qbot (Qakbot or QuakBot) has grown into widely spread Windows malware that allows threat actors to steal

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