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Author: Andy Prakash

OnePlus will disable ‘X-ray’ camera feature in a future update
OnePlus will disable ‘X-ray’ camera feature in a future update
OnePlus will disable ‘X-ray’ camera feature in a future update
OnePlus will disable ‘X-ray’ camera feature in a future update

OnePlus will disable ‘X-ray’ camera feature in a future update OnePlus will remove the accidental “X-ray” functionality from its OnePlus 8 Pro phone in an upcoming over-the-air update, the company said today. It’s also temporarily disabling the camera filter that can see through plastic and clothing in the Chinese version of its operating system until the update is released, choosing to leave it operational

Introducing Facebook Shops, a New Online Shopping Experience

Introducing Facebook Shops, a New Online Shopping Experience As many businesses are creating and strengthening their digital presence, we’re building new tools to help make online shopping seamless. That’s why we’re launching Facebook Shops and investing in features across our apps that inspire people to shop and make buying and selling online easier. Facebook Shops is a

Are You Ready To Resume Business After The Circuit Breaker?

Staffs wearing “No Face” masks in an office to reduce stress and as a protective measure Is Your Business Ready to Resume Operations After The Circuit Breaker? As the circuit breaker comes to an end, certain businesses are allowed to reopen gradually in the first phase.  Are you one of those businesses? Do you know

Free Privacy Policy Compliance Review

Importance of a Compliant Privacy Policy Drafting a Privacy Policy with no knowledge or external help may be daunting. A Privacy Policy is not only the legally required document to disclose your practices on protecting personal information, but it also allows you to show both your internal and external stakeholders, customers and regulators that you can be trusted,

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