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US: Russian Threat Actors Likely Behind JBS Ransomware Attack

US: Russian Threat Actors Likely Behind JBS Ransomware Attack

The White House has confirmed today that JBS, the world’s largest beef producer, was hit by a ransomware attack over the weekend coordinated by a group likely from Russia.

While the company already issued an official statement saying that some of its North American and Australian IT systems were affected by a cyberattack on Sunday, it did not call it a ransomware attack.

JBS only hinted that a ransomware group caused the incident on Monday, stating that “the company’s backup servers were not affected, and it is actively working with an Incident Response firm to restore its systems as soon as possible.”

Group behind ransomware attack likely from Russia

However, today, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that Brazil-based JBS S.A. confirmed that it received a ransom demand from attackers likely from Russia.

“Meat producer JBS notified us on Sunday that they are the victims of a ransomware attack. The White House has offered assistance to JBS, and our team and the Department of Agriculture have spoken to their leadership several times in the last day. JBS notified the administration that the ransom demand came from a criminal organization likely based in Russia,” Jean-Pierre said.

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“The White House is engaging directly with the Russian government on this matter and delivering the message that responsible states do not harbor ransomware criminals. The FBI is investigating the incident and CISA is coordinating with the FBI to offer technical support to the company in recovering from the ransomware attack,” the spokeswoman added.
“USDA has reached out to several major meat processors in the United States to ensure they are aware of the situation. We’re assessing any impacts on supply, and the President has directed the administration to determine what we can do to mitigate any impacts as they may become necessary.”

The attack follows another ransomware incident that forced Colonial Pipeline to shut down the largest U.S. pipeline and pay a $5 million ransom.

JBS is the world’s largest beef and poultry producer and the second-largest global pork producer, with operations in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

The company has 245,000 employees worldwide and an extensive portfolio of brands, including Swift, Pilgrim’s Pride, Seara, Moy Park, Friboi, Primo, and Just Bare, sold to customers from 190 countries on six continents.

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A company spokesperson was not available for comment when contacted by BleepingComputer.



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