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New Windows 10 Tool Lets You Group Your Taskbar Shortcuts

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New Windows 10 Tool Lets You Group Your Taskbar Shortcuts
New Windows 10 Tool Lets You Group Your Taskbar Shortcuts
New Windows 10 Tool Lets You Group Your Taskbar Shortcuts
New Windows 10 Tool Lets You Group Your Taskbar Shortcuts
New Windows 10 Tool Lets You Group Your Taskbar Shortcuts

New Windows 10 Tool Lets You Group Your Taskbar Shortcuts

A new Windows 10 utility called TaskbarGroups lets you group shortcuts on the taskbar so they can easily be launched without taking up a lot of space.

Once you pin a group to the taskbar, you can click on the pinned group to open a small overlay containing all of the grouped programs. You can then click on the desired program to launch it.

Tools taskbar group
Tools taskbar group

TaskbarGroups was developed by Jack Schierbeck, who released the source code on Github and an executable version that you can download if you do not wish to compile the program yourself.

When launched, the program will list all existing taskbar groups and allow you to create new ones, as shown below.

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Taskbar groups application
Taskbar groups application

When adding a new group, you will need to give it a title, an icon that will represent the group on the Windows 10 taskbar, and select the various executables and shortcuts you want to add to the group.

Create a new taskbar group
Create a new taskbar group

When the group is saved, you can right-click on it to open the Shortcuts folder. You would then right-click on the desired TaskbarGroups shortcut and pin it to the task manager, as shown below.

Pin the Tools group to the Taskbar
Pin the Tools group to the Taskbar

Any pinned taskbar groups will appear on the taskbar using the icon you selected when it was created. You can then click on this icon to open the group, as seen below with the Tools taskbar group.

The Tools taskbar group
The Tools taskbar group

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To give this program a try, you can download it from its Github project page. If you are concerned that malicious code is hidden inside the precompiled versions, you can always compile it yourself using Microsoft’s free Visual Studio Community compiler.

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