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Day: January 27, 2022

Windows 11 Adds Android App Support for Everyone Next Month
Windows 11 Adds Android App Support for Everyone Next Month
Windows 11 Adds Android App Support for Everyone Next Month
Windows 11 Adds Android App Support for Everyone Next Month

Windows 11 Adds Android App Support for Everyone Next Month

Windows 11 Adds Android App Support for Everyone Next Month Microsoft announced today that they would be releasing new Windows 11 features next month, including a preview of the long-awaited Android Apps on Windows 11 feature, a new windows sharing feature, taskbar improvements, and redesigned Notepad and Media Player apps. The upcoming features were announced

New FluBot and TeaBot Campaigns Target Android Devices Worldwide

New FluBot and TeaBot Campaigns Target Android Devices Worldwide New FluBot and TeaBot malware distribution campaigns have been spotted, using typical smishing lures or laced apps against Android users in Australia, Germany, Poland, Spain, and Romania. The SMS topics used for spreading the FluBot malware include fake courier messages, “Is this you in this video?”

Microsoft Fixes Windows 11 HDR Color Rendering Problems

Microsoft Fixes Windows 11 HDR Color Rendering Problems Microsoft has fixed a known issue affecting systems running Windows 11, version 21H2, where applications may have problems rendering colors correctly high dynamic range (HDR) displays when using Win32 APIs. HDR displays come with a significantly increased range of color due to their support for a wider color

German Govt Warns of APT27 Hackers Backdooring Business Networks

German Govt Warns of APT27 Hackers Backdooring Business Networks The BfV German domestic intelligence services (short for Bun­des­amt für Ver­fas­sungs­schutz) warn of ongoing attacks coordinated by the APT27 Chinese-backed hacking group. This active campaign is targeting German commercial organizations, with the attackers using the HyperBro remote access trojans (RAT) to backdoor their networks. HyperBro helps the

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