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Month: July 2021

DoppelPaymer ransomware gang rebrands as the Grief group
DoppelPaymer ransomware gang rebrands as the Grief group
DoppelPaymer ransomware gang rebrands as the Grief group
DoppelPaymer ransomware gang rebrands as the Grief group

DoppelPaymer ransomware gang rebrands as the Grief group

DoppelPaymer ransomware gang rebrands as the Grief group After a period of little to no activity, the DoppelPaymer ransomware operation has made a rebranding move, now going by the name Grief (a.k.a. Pay or Grief). It is unclear if any of the original developers are still behind this ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) but clues uncovered by security

New US security memorandum bolsters critical infrastructure cybersecurity

New US security memorandum bolsters critical infrastructure cybersecurity US President Joe Biden today issued a national security memorandum designed to help strengthen the security of critical infrastructure by setting baseline performance goals for critical infrastructure owners and operators. The memorandum comes as a response to recent attacks worldwide, including ransomware attacks on Colonial Pipeline and JBS Foods in the United States

Biden: Severe cyberattacks could escalate to ‘real shooting war’

Biden: Severe cyberattacks could escalate to ‘real shooting war’ President Joe Biden warned that cyberattacks leading to severe security breaches could lead to a “real shooting war” with another major world power. “You know, we’ve seen how cyber threats, including ransomware attacks, increasingly are able to cause damage and disruption to the real world,” Biden

What is Social Engineering and How Does it Work?

What is Social Engineering and How Does it Work? Nowadays, security is all about knowing who and what to trust. In a world of constant exchange of information and correspondence, it can be quite tricky to pinpoint what is genuine and what is not. Would you even trust a new website and key in your

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