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Month: February 2021

Trickbot Malware Now Maps Victims’ Networks Using Masscan
Trickbot Malware Now Maps Victims’ Networks Using Masscan
Trickbot Malware Now Maps Victims’ Networks Using Masscan
Trickbot Malware Now Maps Victims’ Networks Using Masscan

Trickbot Malware Now Maps Victims’ Networks Using Masscan

Trickbot Malware Now Maps Victims’ Networks Using Masscan The Trickbot malware has been upgraded with a network reconnaissance module designed to survey local networks after infecting a victim’s computer. This new module, dubbed masrv, uses the open-source masscan tool, a mass port scanner with its own TCP/IP stack and capable of scanning large swaths of the Internet in

Malicious Script Steals Credit Card Info Stolen By Other Hackers

Malicious Script Steals Credit Card Info Stolen By Other Hackers A threat actor has infected an e-commerce store with a custom credit card skimmer designed to siphon data stolen by a previously deployed Magento card stealer. Credit card skimmers (aka payment card skimmers or Magecart scripts) are JavaScript scripts that cybercrime groups known as Magecart groups inject

Apple Pulls iCloud 12 For Windows 10 With Keychain Sync Feature

Apple Pulls iCloud 12 For Windows 10 With Keychain Sync Feature Apple has pulled iCloud 12 for Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store for what is believed to be issues with their new Chrome iCloud Keychain password synchronization feature. On January 26th, Apple released iCloud 12 with a new ‘Passwords’ feature, that when enabled, prompts users

New Linux Malware Steals SSH Credentials From Supercomputers

New Linux Malware Steals SSH Credentials From Supercomputers A new backdoor has been targeting supercomputers across the world, often stealing the credentials for secure network connections by using a trojanized version of the OpenSSH software. The malware is not widespread and appears to target mostly high-performance computers (HPC) and servers on academic and research networks.

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