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Day: January 9, 2021

Nissan NA Source Code Leaked Due To Default admin:admin Credentials
Nissan NA Source Code Leaked Due To Default admin:admin Credentials
Nissan NA Source Code Leaked Due To Default admin:admin Credentials
Nissan NA Source Code Leaked Due To Default admin:admin Credentials

Nissan NA Source Code Leaked Due To Default admin:admin Credentials

Nissan NA Source Code Leaked Due To Default admin:admin Credentials Multiple code repositories from Nissan North America became public this week after the company left an exposed Git server protected with default access credentials. The entire collection is around 20 gigabytes large and contains source code for mobile apps and various tools used by Nissan

Ryuk Ransomware Bitcoin Wallets Point To $150 Million Operation

Ryuk Ransomware Bitcoin Wallets Point To $150 Million Operation Security researchers following the money circuit from Ryuk ransomware victims into the threat actor’s pockets estimate that the criminal organization made at least $150 million. They found that Ryuk operators primarily use two legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges to cash out the Bitcoin from paying victims as fiat

Hacker Sells Aurora Cannabis Files Stolen In Christmas Cyberattack

Hacker Sells Aurora Cannabis Files Stolen In Christmas Cyberattack A hacker is selling the data stolen from cannabis giant Aurora Cannabis after breaching their systems on Christmas day. Aurora Cannabis is a Canadian cannabis producer listed on both the Toronto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange. The company operates numerous cannabis-related medical and

Windows PsExec Zero-Day Vulnerability Gets A Free Micropatch

Windows PsExec Zero-Day Vulnerability Gets A Free Micropatch A free micropatch fixing a local privilege escalation (LPE) vulnerability in Microsoft’s Windows PsExec management tool is now available through the 0patch platform. PsExec is a fully interactive telnet-replacement that allows system admins to execute programs on remote systems. PsExec tool is also integrated into and used

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