
Privacy Ninja



        • Penetration Testing

          Secure your network against various threat points. VA starts at only S$1,000, while VAPT starts at S$4,000. With Price Beat Guarantee!

        • API Penetration Testing
        • Enhance your digital security posture with our approach that identifies and addresses vulnerabilities within your API framework, ensuring robust protection against cyber threats targeting your digital interfaces.

        • On-Prem & Cloud Network Penetration Testing
        • Boost your network’s resilience with our assessment that uncovers security gaps, so you can strengthen your defences against sophisticated cyber threats targeting your network

        • Web Penetration Testing
        • Fortify your web presence with our specialised web app penetration testing service, designed to uncover and address vulnerabilities, ensuring your website stands resilient against online threats

        • Mobile Penetration Testing
        • Strengthen your mobile ecosystem’s resilience with our in-depth penetration testing service. From applications to underlying systems, we meticulously probe for vulnerabilities

        • Cyber Hygiene Training
        • Empower your team with essential cybersecurity knowledge, covering the latest vulnerabilities, best practices, and proactive defence strategies

        • Thick Client Penetration Testing
        • Elevate your application’s security with our thorough thick client penetration testing service. From standalone desktop applications to complex client-server systems, we meticulously probe for vulnerabilities to fortify your software against potential cyber threats.

        • Source Code Review
        • Ensure the integrity and security of your codebase with our comprehensive service, meticulously analysing code quality, identifying vulnerabilities, and optimising performance for various types of applications, scripts, plugins, and more

        • Email Spoofing Prevention
        • Check if your organisation’s email is vulnerable to hackers and put a stop to it. Receive your free test today!

        • Email Phishing Excercise
        • Strengthen your defense against email threats via simulated attacks that test and educate your team on spotting malicious emails, reducing breach risks and boosting security.

        • Cyber Essentials Bundle
        • Equip your organisation with essential cyber protection through our packages, featuring quarterly breached accounts monitoring, email phishing campaigns, cyber hygiene training, and more. LAUNCHING SOON.

Kawasaki Discloses Security Breach, Potential Data Leak

Kawasaki Discloses Security Breach, Potential Data Leak

Kawasaki Discloses Security Breach, Potential Data Leak Japan’s Kawasaki Heavy Industries announced a security breach and potential data leak after unauthorized access to a Japanese company server from multiple overseas offices. Kawasaki Heavy Industries is a Japanese multinational corporation with over 35,000 employees [PDF], active in the heavy equipment, rolling stock, automotive, Read more…

CISA Releases Azure, Microsoft 365 Malicious Activity Detection Tool

CISA Releases Azure, Microsoft 365 Malicious Activity Detection Tool

CISA Releases Azure, Microsoft 365 Malicious Activity Detection Tool The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released a PowerShell-based tool that helps detect potentially compromised applications and accounts in Azure/Microsoft 365 environments. This comes after Microsoft disclosed how stolen credentials and access tokens are actively being used by threat actors to target Read more…

Multi-platform Card Skimmer Found On Shopify, BigCommerce Stores

Multi-platform Card Skimmer Found On Shopify, BigCommerce Stores

Multi-platform Card Skimmer Found On Shopify, BigCommerce Stores A recently discovered multi-platform credit card skimmer can harvest payment info on compromised stores powered by Shopify, BigCommerce, Zencart, and Woocommerce. While usually designed to target a single type of e-commerce platform, this new type of web skimming malware can take over the checkout process Read more…

GitHub-hosted Malware Calculates Cobalt Strike Payload From Imgur Pic

GitHub-hosted Malware Calculates Cobalt Strike Payload From Imgur Pic

GitHub-hosted Malware Calculates Cobalt Strike Payload From Imgur Pic A new strand of malware uses Word files with macros to download a PowerShell script from GitHub. This PowerShell script further downloads a legitimate image file from image hosting service Imgur to decode a Cobalt Strike script on Windows systems. Multiple researchers have potentially Read more…


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