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Day: September 21, 2020

The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible
The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible
The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible
The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible

The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible

The Untold Story of the Man That Made Mainstream Encryption Possible Longtime tech journalist Steven Levy’s new book, Facebook: The Inside Story, details how Mark Zuckerberg transformed a tasteless dorm room social networking experiment into the world’s biggest social networking business. In honor of that release, we thought we’d share an excerpt of an earlier Levy book, Crypto, about

German Woman Dies in First Known Death From a Cyber Attack on a Hospital

German Woman Dies in First Known Death From a Cyber Attack on a Hospital The first known death from a cyberattack was reported on Thursday (Sept 17) after cybercriminals hit a hospital in Dusseldorf, Germany, with so-called ransomware, in which hackers encrypt data and hold it hostage until the victim pays a ransom. The ransomware

5 Common Sections in an Agreement Form Example

5 Common Sections in an Agreement Form Example Whatchamacallit: Agreement or Contract? The terms ‘agreement’ and ‘contract’ are often used interchangeably, but if we look at both words through legal-coloured glasses, they are not quite the same. So before we dive into the 5 common sections in an agreement form example, we must get some

Limiting Location Data Exposure: 8 Best Practices

Limiting Location Data Exposure: 8 Best Practices If you’re like me who grew up consuming spy movies, you would have already been familiar with the notion of geolocation trackers in all sorts of digital devices (which both heroes and villains can use to their advantage). On the flip side, you would also have gotten hold

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